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Every Single day

Story @ January 24, 2012

(Wrote in 2005)

Life is full of choices. People shy, duck, dive and hide from them. But what do you when you choose to differ?

It was a pleasant summer – no scorching sun nor the unpleasant chill. I had walked into the park to sit and rejuvenate. It was there that I found this girl along with couple of kids. But she looked young cheerful, not old enough to have those two children. She was married, I still presumed.

“Hey Mishel, Mike come here” she called out as the kids started running circles around my wooden bench.
“Sorry for bothering you.”, she had reached near the kids.
“No, no, no. They are bothering me the least” I replied.
“They are very naughty”
“Your kids?”
“No, my elder sis’s”
‘Oh great’ I thought in my mind.

This was how we got introduced. These days we talk and frequent the park a lot.

“Hey I wish I could marry you”, I picked the phone, dialled the number and spoke these exact words. They still echo as if it was yesterday.
“Why? Don’t you like me?”
“Yes I like you. But I can’t marry you”

I could not give up on her. Each day passed and I just could not erase her from my mind. I just couldn’t live without her. I wanted to know the reason behind her action.

“Hey I want to know something. Whether you want to marry me, it’s your choice. But still, I want to know the reason. Please, please”

She hung the phone.

Do you want to marry a girl you love – even if it were for a few days?”

That was the choice?

The Park looked much gorgeous than ever. She stood like a shining star. She had called me. I did not know what prompted her. Did she have some corner of love for me?

“Hey I was thinking about what you had asked last time.” she said
“Really I forgot?” I played around.
“What was it about” I continued.
“Something like about marrying me?”
“I remember” I added.
“I want to tell you something” her face was filled with sadness
“I just want to clear my conscience” she added
“You are very adorable. I would have really loved to have married you. But I have only few days to live. I am going through the last stages of cancer and doctors see no hope”


Do you want to marry a girl you love – even if it were for a few days?”

That was the choice?

I took my choice and I convinced her to marry me.

Today as I wake up, I don’t know she would be there to tell me how much she cares for me. I pray to Gods to give her one more day. It had been thus every single day …

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