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man Displays extended help man reboot (the letter q quits help)
–help Displays basic help reboot –help
clear Clears console screen clear
su Switches to superuser or between users su su or su
pwd Reveals present working directory pwd
Is Lists files in a directory
Lists long listing with hidden files
Lists scrollable long listing
ls /
ls –al
ls –l | less
cd Changes to new directory cd
fdisk -l Lists disk partitions fdisk –l
mkdir Makes a directory mkdir
rmdir Removes an empty directory rmdir
rm Removes a file (or directory) rm ,rm –r
cp Copies a file or directory cp
mv Moves a file or directory mv
passwd Manages passwords passwd
find Locates a file or directory find / –name
tar Creates a compressed file
Extracts a compressed file
tar –czvf
tar –xzvf
mount Attaches to media, as in CD-ROM mount
Mounts CD-ROM
Mounts floppy drive
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
mount/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
umount Disconnects from media or partition
Unmounts floppy drive
Unmounts CD-ROM
umount /mnt/floppy
umount /mnt/cdrom
eject Ejects CD-ROM eject
service Controls system services and stops
Starts system services
Restarts system services
service stop
service start
service restart
ps Lists system processes ps –efa | less
free Displays memory statistics free –m
ifconfig Reveals IP addressing information ifconfig –more
uname Reveals host name uname –a
ping Stands for Packet Internet Groper ping
reboot Restarts the ESX host server reboot

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