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WordPress Plugin

WP Smart Analytics

WordPress Link:
Contributors: Vinod Sebastian
Tags: wp smart analytics, visitor, security, ban, behaviour, analytics, actions, IP, logs, statistics, no database
Requires at least: 3.9.0
Tested up to: 5.7.2
Requires PHP: 5.3.0
Stable tag: 1.2.1
License: GPLv3
License URI:

WP Smart Analytics provides insights into visitor analytics and provides security to your WordPress installation. This mobile friendly plugin uses only encrypted text files for logs and database for statistics. It has option to anonymize IP’s and data is stored locally.


WP Smart Analytics provides insights into visitor analytics and provides security to your wordpress installation from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard. This mobile friendly plugin uses only encrypted text files for logs and database for statistics. It has option to anonymize IP’s and data is stored locally.

Tag cloud provides you an overview of the tagged visitors in descending order of visit frequency along with their visit details which can be used for lead analytics, and security maintenance. It further distinguishes website visitors as administrator or visitor or bot.

User interface is provided to retrieve statistics for a given period on Page Type, Page Title, Visitor Country, Visitor Platform, Visitor Browser and Visitor Source.

The plugin offers readonly and manage roles based on user role. A shortcode [wpsa_log] is also provided to display visitor logs which we strongly suggest to hide from public.

Please use the plugin if and only if it meets required statutory and regulatory compliances applicable in your jurisdiction.


  1. Upload ‘wp-smart-analytics’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the ‘Plugin’ through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. On activation ‘wp-smart-analytics’ directory is created inside ‘/wp-content/uploads/’ folder to store encrypted logs and meta data.
  4. Files and directories inside it are secured from unauthorized access but please do validate.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why is the plugin asking for API key?
A. IP stack has got a free API service used to obtain locality of an IP address. The plugin uses this. We are not affiliated with the service provider.

Q. Is API key a must?
A. No. The plugin gracefully degrades without it. Unfortunately, locality won’t be logged.

Q. What is ‘Do not log’ in settings?
A. File paths containing any one of the texts separated by commas are not logged. For example, assume you want to ignore logging a specific folder. In that case add it to comma separated ignore list.

Q. I want to reverse certain banned ‘IP’s?
A. You can update the ban texts by altering meta tags from settings panel and saving. Please be careful.

Q. Can I use [wpsa_log] short code anywhere?
A. A short code [wpsa_log] is also provided to display visitor logs. We strongly suggest to keep it hidden from public.

Q. How to use [wpsa_log] short code?
A. Short code [wpsa_log] has attributes style and heading_style.
— style is the general style you can add for the log (id = log) and defaults to ”.
— heading_style is the inline style you can add for the headings (tag = h2) and defaults to ”.

Q. How to use [wpsa_count] short code?
A. Short code [wpsa_count] has attributes length, pad, offset and style added to display the unique visitor count on your website.
— length is the length of the counter and defaults to 8.
— pad is the padding character used and defaults to ”.
— offset is the offset to be added to the counter and defaults to 0.
— style is the inline style you can add for the counter and defaults to ”.

If you have more questions, please mail me at business[at]
I will try to respond promptly


Download Plugin


  1. Administration screen – Desktop.
  2. Administration screen – Mobile – Settings.
  3. Administration screen – Mobile – Report.
  4. Administration screen – Desktop – Logs (Filtered by tag).
  5. Administration screen – Mobile – Logs.
  6. Add a tag by clicking on Visitor (man with football icon).
  7. How to ban an ‘IP’.
  8. 403 Access Forbidden.
  9. Post with [wpsa_log] short code.
  10. Image of [wpsa_count].

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