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IT Notes → Abbreviations @ December 22, 2020

  1. AI = Artificial Intelligence
  2. ALGOL = Algorithmic Language
  3. API = Application Programming Interface
  4. ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  5. BASIC = Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  6. BCC = Blind Carbon Copy
  7. BINAC = Binary Automatic Computer
  8. BIOS = Basic Input Output System
  9. CC = Carbon Copy
  10. CAD = Computer Aided Design
  11. CMS = Content Management System
  12. CRM = Customer Relationship Management
  13. CSS = Cascading Style Sheets
  14. CDROM = Compact Disc Read Only Memory
  15. COBOL = Common Business Oriented Language
  16. DBMS = Database Management System
  17. DBA = Database Admin
  18. DNS = Domain Name System
  19. DVD = Digital Versatile Disk
  20. e-Commerce = Electronic Commerce
  21. EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  22. EOB = End Of Business Day
  23. EOD = End Of Day
  24. EOL = End Of Line
  25. EPROM = Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  26. EXE = Executable
  27. FAX = Far Away Xerox
  28. FORTRAN = Formula Translation
  29. FS = File System
  30. FTP = File Transfer Protocols
  31. GIF = Graphics Interchange Format
  32. GB = Gigabyte
  33. GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication
  34. HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  35. HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language
  36. ISP = Internet Service Provider
  37. IVR = Interactive Voice Response
  38. IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol
  39. JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
  40. JS = JavaScript
  41. KB = Kilobyte
  42. KPI = Key Performance Indicator
  43. LED = Light Emitting Diode
  44. MB = Megabyte
  45. MMS = Multimedia Message Service
  46. MPEG = Moving Picture Experts Group
  47. MIPS = Million Instructions Per Second
  48. MICR = Magnetic Ink Character Read
  49. NOS = Network Operating System
  50. OOP = Object-Oriented Programming
  51. PC = Personal Computer
  52. PDF = Portable Document Format
  53. PAN = Personal Area Networks
  54. PHP = Hypertext Preprocessor
  55. PPP = Point to Point Protocols
  56. PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory
  57. PING = Packet Internet Gopher
  58. RDBMS = Relational Data Base Management System
  59. RAM = Random Access Memory
  60. RDBMS= Relational Database Management System
  61. REST = REpresentational State Transfer
  62. ROM = Read Only Memory
  63. RIP = Routing Information Protocol
  64. SLA = Service Level Agreement
  65. SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol
  66. SQL = Structured Query Language
  67. SRAM = Static Random Access Memory
  68. SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  69. SIM = Subscriber Identification Module
  70. TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
  71. TCPIP = Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol
  72. TB = Terabytes
  73. URL = Uniform Resource Locator
  74. URI = Uniform Resource Identifier
  75. USB = Universal Serial Bus
  76. USP = Unique Selling Point or Unique Selling Proposition
  77. VDU = Visual Display Unit
  78. VGA = Video Graphics Array
  79. WWW = World Wide Web
  80. WiFi = Wireless Fidelity
  81. WPA = Wi-Fi Protected Access
  82. WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network
  83. WP = WordPress
  84. WORM = Write Once Read Many
  85. WSDL= Web Services Description Language
  86. XML = Extensible Markup Language
  87. ZB = Zettabyte
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