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WordPress Plugin

WP Smart Content

WordPress Link:
Contributors: Vinod Sebastian
Tags: wp smart content, add content, add to header, add to footer, tracking code, scripts, styles, html
Requires at least: 3.9.0
Tested up to: 5.7.2
Requires PHP: 5.3.0
Stable tag: 1.1.4
License: GPLv3
License URI:

WP Smart Content helps us add content to WordPress templates in a simple and smart way. The plugin can be used to add varied content like HTML, JavaScript, CSS to different parts of the WordPress post or page.


WP Smart Content helps us add content to WordPress templates in a simple and smart way. The code block can be named and can be added to specific posts or pages or can be added site-wide. The plugin can push varied content like HTML, JavaScript, CSS to different parts of the WordPress post or page.

An example would be to add a script to head section. Another example would be to add html to the footer. The content is stored in WordPress database and can be managed easily. It is a good companion for adding tracking code or style or html to specific or all posts and pages from a central settings page.


  1. Upload ‘wp-smart-content’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the ‘Plugin’ through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. A new sub menu appears under settings menu.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Some added content does not show up?
A. The template may not support it. Don’t worry. It won’t create any issues.

Q. My site has been broken after installation?
A. Delete or change the content pushed through the plugin. Play around with the content. Ensure the content added is correct and valid.

Q. I still have plugin conflicts or the site is still messy?
A. Try selectively uninstalling plugins and see.

Q. I don’t want the plugin?
A. Just uninstall. It won’t cause you any further trouble.

If you have more questions, please mail me at business[at]
I will try to respond promptly


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  1. Administration screen.

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