IT Notes → PHP @ December 22, 2020
- There is no function overloading in PHP rather it may be simulated using __Call__ magic method. This is because PHP functions can take variable-length argument lists. The functions func_num_args( ), func_get_arg( ) and func_get_args( ) help us in this case.
- PHP also provides default parameters.
- $GLOBALS References all variables available in global scope. Use global keyword to access a global variable in a function by importing specific global variable into the local variable table.
- Variable variables $$var.
- Super Globals : $GLOBALS, $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $_COOKIE, $_FILE, $_REQUEST $_SERVER, $_ENV.
- While passing arguments by reference &. Similarly returning also using ampersand operator.
- Anonymous functions or closures are given below. Anonymous functions yield objects o closure class.
$area=function ($side) { return $area * $area; } echo $area (5);
- define(“constantname”, value, t/f) where true means case insensitive.
- To check a constant, we use defined(“constantname”).
- To return retrieve value of a constant from a variable holder or a function we use constant($var) where $var = constantname etc.