Streams and Network Programming
IT Notes → PHP @ December 22, 2020
File and file opening modes:
- r,w,a where r represents read, w represents write, a represents append.
- + will make it both read and write.
- In append mode file pointer points to the end which is otherwise at beginning.
- w additionally truncates file size to 0.
- x creates a new file.
- fgetcsv() and fputcsv() vastly simplify the task of accessing CSV files.
- file_get_contents() and file_put_contents() simply file writing.
if (!file_exist ("filename.txt")) { throw new Exception ("The file does not exist."); } $file = fopen("filename.txt", "r"); while (!feof($file)) { $txt .= fread($file, 1); //Last parameter number of bytes. fgets() stops at newline character. fwrite($file, $txt); } fseek($file,10,SEEK_CUR); //This will move file pointer by itself. The second parameter is the number of bytes to be moved (negative or positive) and third is the location from where to move - SEEK_SET (start), SEEK_CUR (current) and SEEK_END (end). fclose($file);
- chdir(“path”) – Changes directory path.
- getcwd() – Gets current working directory.
- mkdir (“path”, 0666, true); – The second parameter gives access mode and last if set to true any missing directories in path will be created. Normally last directory is created.
- is_dir() – Checks if the path is a directory.
- is_executable() – Checks if the path is executable.
- is_file() – Checks if the path exists and is a regular file.
- is_link() – Checks if the path exists and is a symlink.
- is_readable() – Checks if the path exists and is readable.
- is_writable() – Checks if the path exists and is writable.
- is_uploaded_file() – Checks if the path is an uploaded file (sent via HTTP POST).
- File permissions on UNIX systems can be changed by using chmod(), chgrp() and chown() where path and access mode provided.
- Simple Network Access can be done by using some of the file functions.
- You can create socket servers and clients using the stream functions stream_socket_server() and stream_socket_client().
- Stream filters allow you to pass data in and out of a stream through a series of filters that can alter it dynamically like say filter for compression.