IT Notes → PHP @ December 22, 2020
- XML is Extended Markup Language.
- DTD or Document Type Definition gives information about structure and content of the particular XML.
- An entity is a named storage using like say head tag.
- An element usually has attributes and other texts.
- Finally, there is the content or value of the entity.
SimpleXML is a PHP 5 library that takes care of working with XML. Some methods are available after 5.1.3.
$library = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr); //Load XML from string. $library = new SimpleXMLElement(library.xml, NULL, true); //Load XML from file. True tells first parameter is a path to the file. foreach ($library->book as $book) //Looping through many books is library. Children. { echo $book[isbn] . "n"; //Accessing an attribute. echo $book->title . "n"; //Accessing a child. } foreach ($library->children() as $child => $valuechild) //Get children of this element. { echo $child->getName()."=".$child; //Example a = this is a link. echo $child."=". $valuechild; //Example a = this is a link. foreach ($child->attributes() as $attr => $valueattr) //Get attributes of this element. { echo $attr->getName()."=".$attr; //Example target = _blank. echo $attr."=". $valueattr; //Example target = _blank. } }
XPath or XML Path Language is a way to access and search XML Documents.
$results = $library->xpath(/library/book/title); //Returns the XML Object under the XPath. $newbook = $book->addChild(title, "Enders Game"); ///Adding a child. Third optional parameter is namespace. $book->addAttribute(isbn, 0812550706); //Adding an attribute. Third optional parameter is namespace. header(Content-type: text/xml); //Header for XML. echo $library->asXML(); //Print XML. //Remove the children of book[0]. You cannot remove an attribute of book. You can only set them to empty. For that to happen we will have to export to DOM and use a powerful functionality there. $library->book[0] = NULL; $namespaces = $library->getDocNamespaces(); //Gets namespaces declared in the root element referenced. By passing true all namespaces declared recursively in children will be returned. foreach ($namespaces as $key => $value) { echo "{$key} => {$value}"; } $namespaces = $library->getNamespaces(true); //Gets namespaces used (not declared) in the root element referenced. Passing True will return all namespaces used recursively in children will be returned.
DOM is Document Object Model.
$dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->load(library.xml); //Load from file. $dom->loadXML($xml); //Load from XMl string. $dom->loadHTMLFile("librabry.html"); //Load from HTML file. $dom->loadHTML($html); //Load from HTML string. $dom->saveXML(); //Save as XMl. $dom->saveHTML(); //Save as HTML. $element = $dom->createElement("a", 'This is a link!'); //Creates an element. $element = $dom->getAttribute("target"); //Returns value of attribute. $element = $dom->hasAttribute("target"); //Checks to see if attribute exists. Returns TRUE or FALSE. $element = $dom->setAttribute("target","_blank"); //Adds new attribute. Returns sub-DOM object. $element = $dom->:removeAttribute("target"); //Removes attribute. Returns TRUE or FALSE.